Hormone Belly Fat Breakthrough Exposed - Live Workshop

HormoneWeight Loss Breakthrough Exposed

Get 4 Insider Facts Your Doctor Isn't Telling You

Learn 4 Facts Your Doctor's Not Telling You To Breakthrough Your Weight Loss Plateau During This Live 45-Minute Workshop!

Shocking New Science Breakthrough Blasts Belly Fat

Without Dieting, Pills, Prescriptions, Potions, Patches, Pellets or Injections.

New science research has revealed how to lose body fat and keep it off, and the results will surprise most people.  

Spoiler Alert: It’s not another fad diet or a new workout phase. 

Because in case you haven’t noticed: What used to work, isn’t working anymore.

You're not alone.

2024 Studies show that 80% of Americans are overweight or obese.  

Most of America is fat right now and prescriptions aren’t helping!

While the number of prescriptions for Ozempic, Monjoro, Semaglutide, and other GLP-1’s has nearly doubled in the past 2 years - the number of overweight people has also gone up.

The more Ozempic we prescribe the more obesity goes up.

The more SSRIs we prescribe, the more depression we have. 

As prescriptions for Metformin increase, so does the number of reported cases of diabetes.

*Source: Smith, J. A., & Johnson, L. M. (2024). Rising cases of obesity and the increase in prescriptions for GLP-1s like Ozempic. American Medical Journal, 130(4), 123-134. 

These and other “quick fix” remedies are not actually healing the root cause physiology. They may help with the symptoms but they aren’t addressing the root cause.

Fact: Addressing the downstream symptoms instead of addressing the root cause - is actually making the root cause worse.

This is why over 80% of America is overweight, sick and depressed.

The hard truth to swallow is that there is no magic pill when it comes to permanent weight loss.

The solution is addressing the lifestyle factors we can actually control.

Nutritional Consumption: Why you eat, what you eat, when you eat and how you eat

Hormonal Alignment: When metabolism hormones are out of balance the body doesn’t burn fat.

Increasing Emotional Stress: When stress hormones and chemicals are released, the body shifts to fight, flight, or freeze mode, which freezes fat in its place.

Declining Muscle & Movement Levels: Lean muscle mass and movement stimulate the energy producers of our cells called mitochondria. When mitochondria is underperforming every cell in the body is underperforming too this is metabolic dysfunction.

80% of America is suffering from metabolic dysfunction and our doctor’s old textbooks are failing us!

“𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵? 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴.”

“You’re labs came back normal.  You’re just getting older so you’re gaining weight.”

Sound familiar?

No wonder we have an obesity epidemic in our country. 

We’ve all been lied to. 

And we’ve heard the same lies for so long that we started believing: “This is just the way it is.”

When we want to change the way it is most of the information out there is conflicting and confusing.

If I want to speed up my metabolism, I should eat 6 small meals per day, right? Not

If I stop eating carbs I will lose weight, right? Not necessarily

Eating fat makes me fat, right? No

My genes are making it hard to lose weight, and there’s nothing I can do about my genes, right? Wrong

It's because my hormones are changing, and there’s nothing I can do about that - It’s just the way it is. Not True

𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵: When your HPA Axis is not aligned you won’t lose weight regardless of how much you diet and exercise.  When you are in a state of metabolic dysfunction your body basically forgets how to burn fat for energy

Just Google "HPA Axis" and "Metabolic Dysfunction" and see the truth for yourself!

Learn that the HPA Axis is the hormone control center of your body.

Hormones are chemical messengers controlling every body function - including weight loss.

Good News: You can realign your HPA Axis and reverse metabolic dysfunction.

During the Live Workshop, I will shine a light on just how to do that.

Plus several more facts that your doctor isn’t tell you about that will help you Breakthrough Your Belly Fat Plateau.

You've been in the dark long enough...

It's time to see the light and Lighten-up starting by getting rid of your stubborn belly fat.

... and I'll answer any questions you have too!

Learn How To Align Your Hormones & Reverse Metabolic Dysfunction

So You Can Say Good-Bye To Your Belly Fat For Good!

Authentic Health Weight Loss™️ Does Three Things:

  • Unlocks Fat-Burning Hormones - Helps you burn fat without dieting or prescriptions.

  • Neuroepigenetic Alignment - Balance hormones and align your genes by making lifestyle shifts you can live with.

    Learn how your hormones impact your gene expression (DNA) and what you can do about it!

  • Recovers Gut Microbiome Health - Simple daily steps to reduce inflammation, improve digestion and allow the brain in you belly to communicate correctly again.

  • Reverses Metabolic Syndrome - Learn how recent breakthroughs in quantum biology can accelerate your weight loss - especially if you believe in a higher power.

"Reclaim Your Authentic Health and Your Authentic Self."

I'm combining over 25 Years of Healthy Weight Loss Experience with Recent Science Breakthroughs to Give You the Tools that your doctor probably doesn't even know about yet.

Site: www.lifelightfitness.com

Call 707-244-7790


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